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 Health Care Organization

Phone Numbers

+95-1500619, +95-943152184

Sex Workers in Myanmar Network

SWiM network is formed with the members who are sex workers and ex-sex workers.

Sex Worker in Myanamr Network (SWiM), a national level network, is also a member of Community Network Consortium.

In 2009, a forum led by the Myanmar Positive Group (MPG) included six HIV-positive female sex workers. In a forum led by the Myanmar Positive Group (MPG) in 2010, 15 HIV-positive female sex workers were asked about their livelihoods and their livelihoods. They were able to discuss the challenges and issues they faced and lead the way in creating a network of regular connections. 2011 In April, with the support of Seedlings, 35 female sex workers from 10 regions across the country began networking.

Website - http://swimmyanmar.org
