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 Health Care Organization

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Partnership to Inspire, Transform, and Connect the HIV response (PITCH)

Date : 18-Oct-2018 17:38 pm

Location : Yangon, Myanmar

PITCH is designed to influence and shape the laws, policies and practices to end the AIDS epidemic in 9 countries i.e Kenya, Mozambique, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ukraine, Indonesia , Vietnam and Myanmar. Globally, PITCH’s strategic partners are Aidsfonds, Frontline AIDS and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

There are four outcome goals of the program include:

G1: KPs (including young KPs), women and girls in Myanmar have equal access to HIV related services irrespective of their geographical location among other factors;

G2: Sexual and reproductivehealth and rights for those most affected by HIV;

G3: Equal and fullrights for Key Populations (including young KPs), women and girls in Myanmar; and

G4: Full capacity and potential of KP, women and girls led CSOs at all levels to advocate for the rights and needs of KPs (including young KPs), women and girls at local and national levels.

Alliance Myanmar provided technical and financial support to key population networks and CBOs such as Myanmar MSM Network (MMN), Myanmar Youth Stars Network (MYSN), Sex Workers in Myanmar Network (SWiM), National Drug User Network in Myanmar (NDNM), Myanmar Positive Women Network (MPWN),  Myanmar Positive Group (MPG), Myittasaytaman (MTSTM) and Charity Services for Friends (CSF) to implement PITCH program in Myanmar.

Assistance Association of Political Prisoner (AAPP) was also supported to implement the short term project for prison reform with key populations.

Key activity are evidence based advocacy to the targets defined by Key Population community.


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