logo Alliance Myanmar
 Health Care Organization

Phone Numbers

+95-1500619, +95-943152184

Our History

MAHAMATE @ Alliance Myanmar(formerly named as International HIV/AIDS Alliance) has started its operation in Myanmar since 2004 establishing a country office. Since then, the focus has been on community mobilization and capacity building of the community since it believes it is the way to have effective sustained HIV/AIDS interventions.

Together to end AIDS

In 2008 Alliance Myanmar started partnering with private clinics to provide ART in collaboration with CBOs which are formed by PLHIV and key populations. After almost ten years, now Alliance Myanmar has over 3400 clients on ART who have excellent clinical outcomes proving the unique approach is efficient.

In 2013 it started the transition process from a Country Office of International HIV/AIDS Alliance to an independent Linking Organization. The first step was to recruit a national Executive Director to lead the whole transition process. The organization went through necessary steps to be an independent local organization while expanding its scope of work to reach all types of priority populations.

In January 2018 the Organization was officially registered as an independent local organization named as “MAHAMATE @ Alliance Myanmar”. The new organization “MAHAMATE @ Alliance Myanmar maintains its core values and further strengthens its systems under the leadership of a local board to continue contributing to national HIV responses in collaboration with all implementing partners.

On 29th June 2018 its launching ceremony for being an independent local organization was celebrated with distinguished guests and working partners.

Our Mission

Alliance Myanmar strengthens community systems and reinforces linkages with the health system and collaboration with other stakeholders towards ending HIV/AIDS, improving health, advancing the rights of key affected priority populations, and improving the environment for HIV/AIDS interventions.

Our Vision

Alliance Myanmar envisions a Myanmar free from the negative impact of HIV/AIDS, with affected communities having secured their health and human rights.

Our Value

Alliance Myanmar aligns with the national AIDS strategy. Alliance Myanmar supports the ‘3 Ones’ — a national plan, national coordination, and a national monitoring and evaluation plan. Alliance Myanmar values an HIV/AIDS response that is evidence-informed and results-oriented; that provides quality services and integrated health and community systems strengthening; and that promotes human rights, gender equality and sustainable partnerships. Alliance Myanmar believes in strong, accountable key affected priority population community leadership; an appreciation of diversity and no discrimination; ethical organizational conduct; and a culture of unity and partnership-working.

Our Strategic Direction 1: Advocacy

We are committed to advocating for reform of punitive laws, policies and practices to ensure key populations get the best available HIV services and equal access to other health services and promote evidence-based & rights-based approaches.

Our Strategic Direction 2: Community System Strengthening

We collaborate with communities of affected and marginalized populations, community-based organizations, ethnic health organizations and public & private sectors for improving health outcomes and promoting human rights of these populations.

Our Strategic Direction 3: Capacity Building

We support development and strengthening of workforces of partner organizations to scale up and maintain prevention, care and advocacy efforts.

Our Strategic Direction 4: People-centered Comprehensive Approach

We work towards integrated approach to have full access to services that are responding to individual needs of people and priority populations.

Who We Are

Our Governance

The Alliance Myanmar has its governing board which provides guidance for strategic direction, policy development and oversees the budget, implementations and achievements of the organization. The governing board consists of five members who are elected for a term of three years at an Annual General Meeting of the organisation.
